ヒントと道具をお届けします。A culture shop that brings the Japanese tea
ceremony “Sado”closer to you. We offer tips and
tools to incorporate the spirit of Sado and
Matcha into your daily life.
自点てはDO?Whisking Matcha at Home.
日常に抹茶の彩りを。愛好家に学ぶ、自宅で楽しむ茶の湯のヒント「自点てはどう?」。Tips from matcha freaks around the world on enjoying their own tea ceremony at home!
稽古へGO!Meet the Young Tea Professionals.
茶道がもっと身近に!若手茶道家が教える茶の湯とお稽古の魅力。Introducing the tea ceremony in a more accessible way! The charm of tea ceremony and practice taught by young tea professionals.
茶席へGO!Step into the world of Tea Gathering.
初心者も安心!気軽に茶道気分と茶筅で点てた抹茶を楽しめるお茶席をご紹介。Perfect for beginners! Introducing a tea ceremony experience where you can casually enjoy matcha whisked with a tea whisk.
お茶道具『抹茶を点てる』Tools for whisking matcha
実はお手軽!自宅で抹茶を点てるための基本的な道具から、こだわりの抹茶碗まで、「自点て」を楽しむためのアイテムを紹介。Surprisingly easy! From the basic tools for making matcha at home to thoughtfully chosen matcha bowls, we introduce items that enhance your matcha experience.
お茶道具『お稽古とお茶会』Tools for practice and tea ceremonies.
お稽古や初めてのお茶会にぴったりな道具を紹介。Introducing the perfect tools for beginners' practice or your first tea ceremony.
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